About us
Sustainability as a principle
Driven by the idea of ecology, the landscape planning office “Büttner, Garten- und Landschaftsplanung” was founded in 1995 by Dipl. Ing. Angeli Büttner. As early as 1996, the first rainwater cistern for garden irrigation was planned and built as part of an EU model project in Berlin. It was part of a holistic planning approach that was developed as a model for developers and residents. The task was to demonstrate how sealed, built-up backyards and other properties in Berlin can be truly ecologically redesigned.
This included unsealing and demolition, irrigation and drainage, material recycling and the installation of newly developed infiltration-capable paving stones developed by the industry to make surfaces infiltration- and evaporation-capable.
From then on, all plans for outdoor facilities were always created and implemented with integrated rainwater management. Numerous projects, first Berlin backyards, then many schoolyards in Berlin, the first “Berlin rainwater daycare center”, sports fields and playgrounds, as well as residential and hotel outdoor facilities were designed, even outside Berlin. For each schoolyard disconnected from the sewage system, between €10,000 and €15,000 a year could be saved in rainwater charges!
It was particularly important for us to take over the construction supervision, as the implementation of rainwater construction measures in these years meant pilot work and, moreover. The resulting findings and experiences were also recorded in the manual “Rainwater Management in Berlin” from the year 2000.
The projects were completed in all HOAI service phases. The execution of the construction management was particularly important to us.
Today, KLIMA.connection works in a network with various players in the water and green sector on a national and international scale.
Development from planning to consulting office
After 18 years of planning and construction management work, now under a different company name, in which complete building renovations including outdoor facilities and rainwater management have been planned and carried out since 2003, a fundamental change was made to consulting and knowledge transfer.
KLIMA.connection was founded in 2011 in order to focus on passing on our many years of experience in planning and construction as well as consulting and teaching. Supporting truly sustainable projects is important to us.
Our commitment extends to consulting services, teaching activities and the development of international cooperation.
Our expertise
The thematic focuses of our consulting and knowledge transfer include:
- Rainwater management
- Creation of blue-green infrastructures
- Sponge cities
- Reuse of water including gray water and rainwater
- Sustainable environmental design
- Creating urban resilience
By teaching at the Technical University of Berlin and the Berlin University of Applied Sciences (BHT, it is possible to raise awareness of these important issues among the younger generation and train specialists.
International lectures, courses and workshops were held in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, India, Rwanda, Senegal and Vietnam. There, experiences were discussed, shared and innovative solutions developed together with local partners.