Teaching and training

Topics of lectures, courses, workshops and seminars are:
- Sustainability
- 17 SDGs
- Challenges of climate change
- Planning principles and processes
- Rainwater management
- Blue-green infrastructures
- Technologies, processes and products for rainwater management
Practical workshops:
- Calculation, planning and construction of rainwater systems together with the course participants
- Planning and construction of rainwater and sustainability gardens
- Plant workshops
- Irrigation workshops
We will be happy to provide you with more detailed information.

From practice …
As early as 1996, Büttner Garten- und Landschaftsplanung was a pioneer in Berlin, combining landscape architecture with integrated rainwater management. Numerous ecological designs of outdoor facilities were planned, in particular with rainwater utilization for toilet flushing, and the implementation was supervised by construction management.
The projects were always implemented with the participation of the future users. This resulted in a high degree of identification with the planned/built projects, but also valuable new insights on both sides: for the users, but also for the planners and implementers.

… into university teaching…
The experience gained was initially passed on and taught within the framework of an “Advisory Center for Yard Greening” and from 1998 at the Humboldt University of Berlin. Later and continuously also at the TU Berlin, the Beuth University of Applied Sciences (today BHT) and in practical seminars at the Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt für Gartenbau und Arboristik e.V. (LVGA). In addition, in courses and workshops at national and international institutions and universities in Vietnam, India and most recently, in 2023, in Rwanda and Senegal as part of a “Training of Trainers”.

Selected courses
- Lecture at the TU Berlin, international study program, ongoing
- Course “Selected chapters on infrastructure/rainwater management” at the BHT Berlin
- Lecture Planning Basics at the Humboldt University of Berlin, Urban Horticulture
- Project planning today: between project management, business administration, marketing and design
- Rainwater management, lecture at the Chamber of Architects of Maharashtra, India
- Rainwater management: ecological basics, blue-green infrastructures, sponge cities (English)
- Water-integrated greening projects with participation of pupils and/or inhabitants in cooperation with NGOs, government/municipality and companies in Berlin/ Germany
- Workshop for Sri Lanka as part of the “First German Sri Lankan Water Week”: Stormwater Management & Sponge Cities, Basics and possibilities of stormwater management, use in creating sponge cities and application to Sri Lanka conditions
- Training of Trainers on sustainability, stormwater management, blue-green infrastructures in Rwanda and Senegal as part of the “AGTIWAS” project of German Water Partnership