Consulting, teaching and practical training
from the experts


Blue-green pioneering solutions
for water and landscape


KLIMA.connection – well-founded and comprehensive consulting and training on all issues relating to water management and blue-green infrastructures.

Since 1995, our professional expertise has extended to water management, in particular rainwater management, landscape architecture and water reuse. With over 30 years of experience in planning and construction, we take a holistic approach to advising on methods, procedures and implementation options for sustainable projects.

KLIMA.connection combines the needs of people, flora and fauna with the need to protect the environment and financial feasibility.

We operate nationally and internationally.

Nothing works without water!

“Nothing works without water!
At KLIMA.Connection, the focus is on advice and training on all currently available and feasible design and technical solutions in the water and green areas with the aim of sustainability. It is an ever-increasing challenge for building owners and planners to keep track of the latest developments in the field of blue-green infrastructures. Science, industry and research are working intensively on answers to climate change.

This Knowledge, technologies, and products are being developed that — in combination with each other — help to save energy and resources. KLIMA.connection advises on this. We recommend from drainage, evaporation, infiltration and use of rainwater through to water reuse, the right measures for each property, leading to maximum utilization of existing water flows and the creation of new multi-coded areas.


Your request – consulting and/ or training

If you are planning to plan and implement sustainable projects, please don´t hesitate to contact us. We have been working in the field of landscape architecture and stormwater management for more than 30 years and have the networks and solid contacts to provide the relevant expertise for a holistic approach to project planning and implementation.

In the workshops we pass on this knowledge in workshops, courses and training sessions.

Memberships and commitment

  • KLIMA.connection is a member of various organizations:
  • German Water Partnership (GWP) e.V.
  • Water Solutions International,
  • Architekten- und Ingenieurverein zu Berlin (AIV) e.V. (Schinkel Committee)
  • Lenné- Akademie e.V. (Deputy Member of the Board of Trustees)
  • German-Arab Friendship Society (DAFG) e.V.